
Showing posts from January, 2019

This year I will mostly be....

New year again. Not going to resolve to keep up the blog in any significant way as such (been there too many times before, pffft!), but am going to share a little bit about my plans for botanical art making over the next year or so. I am, at the very least, nothing if not optimistic (pretty sure I've said that before too... mmmm....less saying, more doing is in order I think). So, here is a little image, which quietly but neatly illustrates the very small beginning of what I hope will be a really fulfilling extended process and project. Without giving too much away - I'll save that for future posts - this is not a 365 project, but it does have a kind of 'whole year' feel about it, so hopefully will result in the production of some really cohesive drawing and painting, plus a bit more blogging than usual as a bonus!