SBA Plantae 2019

So it's very (very very very!) exciting, as I've had a piece selected for the SBA Plantae open exhibtion!!! I entered two pieces - one small and one largish. The smaller - Quince 'Vranja' - was selected and I am soooo delighted. Here it is, just in case you haven't seen it before.

So it's all framed up now (by Fabulous Frames in Norwich who are brilliant), and ready to go up to London. In fact, it's not a totally done deal, they could turn it away at the last minute but that's unlikely as I'm not going to present them with anything unexpected (I don't think!).

Gosh. I still feel a bit fizzy every time I think about!!!! That feeling won't go away until the show is over I expect. Here's the info...


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