Buzzzy buzzy busy busy...

Life has been crazy busy so far in 2019. That's my excuse for not blogging much, because excuses for not blogging are as you know my stock-in-trade.

But, this busy busy busy has lead to not enough painting. Which is not so good. Good things have been happening (see previous post SQUEEE!!!!). But the painting thing has to happen otherwise, what the hell's going on?

So, today I have been belatedly catching up on prepping for this exhibition...

Isn't it a beautiful poster? Those colours just SING and absolutely declare spring and sunshine and plants bursting into life and bloom all over the place with absolute and glorious abandon. Gorgeous.

And that Botanical Drawing Day in Graphite? That will be me. It feels pretty nerve racking, but I'm also looking forward to it, as it's a really positive move in the right direction for me. I've deliberately picked a small graphite piece to put in the show to support the workshop booking.

I'm also fielding some new cards too. I've struggled to get good quality digital images for commercial printing and the end results have struck me as being a bit 'meh'. So, I thought I'd give something a bit different a shot and today I've been prepping some hand-coloured lino prints. Superficially it might seem like a bit of a tangent, but for me it's more like re-visiting a technique from my long past art school days. It's taken me a while to figure out how to present them, but I think I'm happy (ish) enough with this...

...I guess the subject won't be to everyone's taste, but there's really only one way to find out! I'm putting these babies out under the 'Tiny Lino Art Cards' label. You saw 'em here first folks!


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