The one that got away...

Blog posts (in my world anyway) are, apparently, like wait ages for one and then three come at once. In fact, writing a post immediately brings ideas for other posts to mind. Must try harder, promise I will try to try.

Right here and now though, I just wanted to show you the other SBA submission that didn't get selected. It's a biggish piece, on 16.5" x 11.7" paper. I rather like it myself, though it's far from 'perfect' (whatever that is...)

It was fun to paint, and I learned a lot. I have so far mostly painted my subjects as I find them - no tweaking or primping, and here that gave me a slightly odd and somewhat comical perspective on the desiccated tip of the main leaf. It's something to bear in mind when composing an image I guess - I very much like the idea of 'veracity', but perhaps not to the detriment of the image in the end. 


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