
Showing posts from March, 2019

The one that got away...

Blog posts (in my world anyway) are, apparently, like wait ages for one and then three come at once. In fact, writing a post immediately brings ideas for other posts to mind. Must try harder, promise I will try to try. Right here and now though, I just wanted to show you the other SBA submission that didn't get selected. It's a biggish piece, on 16.5" x 11.7" paper. I rather like it myself, though it's far from 'perfect' (whatever that is...) It was fun to paint, and I learned a lot. I have so far mostly painted my subjects as I find them - no tweaking or primping, and here that gave me a slightly odd and somewhat comical perspective on the desiccated tip of the main leaf. It's something to bear in mind when composing an image I guess - I very much like the idea of 'veracity', but perhaps not to the detriment of the image in the end. 

Buzzzy buzzy busy busy...

Life has been crazy busy so far in 2019. That's my excuse for not blogging much, because excuses for not blogging are as you know my stock-in-trade. But, this busy busy busy has lead to not enough painting. Which is not so good. Good things have been happening (see previous post SQUEEE!!!!). But the painting thing has to happen otherwise, what the hell's going on? So, today I have been belatedly catching up on prepping for this exhibition... Isn't it a beautiful poster? Those colours just SING and absolutely declare spring and sunshine and plants bursting into life and bloom all over the place with absolute and glorious abandon. Gorgeous. And that Botanical Drawing Day in Graphite? That will be me. It feels pretty nerve racking, but I'm also looking forward to it, as it's a really positive move in the right direction for me. I've deliberately picked a small graphite piece to put in the show to support the workshop booking. I'm also fiel

SBA Plantae 2019

So it's very (very very very!) exciting, as I've had a piece selected for the SBA Plantae open exhibtion!!! I entered two pieces - one small and one largish. The smaller - Quince 'Vranja' - was selected and I am soooo delighted. Here it is, just in case you haven't seen it before. So it's all framed up now (by Fabulous Frames in Norwich who are brilliant), and ready to go up to London. In fact, it's not a totally done deal, they could turn it away at the last minute but that's unlikely as I'm not going to present them with anything unexpected (I don't think!). Gosh. I still feel a bit fizzy every time I think about!!!! That feeling won't go away until the show is over I expect. Here's the info...