The Summer show....(better late than never)

So this show is up, and on for a couple of months. Lovely venue, at Diss Cornhall. Staff are fabulous and friendly as you could wish. The show looks really good, thanks to stirling efforts from the hanging team (thanks lads!). Diss is a really nice place to visit anyway, makes for a great day out - lots of fun stuff up and down the highstreet, plenty of really nice cafes to grab lunch (or treat yourself and go the The Cock Inn. It's a bit out of the centre but the food is really really REALLY excellent).

Oh, and in an exciting new development in my return to the artist's life, I'm delivering the Drawing workshop on Sat 1st June. Lots of prepping and practising going on here in readiness for that, and a great opportunity to re-visit some basics - always something to learn from doing that.


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